sBallo Italiano a Maple con il Maple Italian Fest![]() In entrambe le giornate però, nonostante il maltempo, la festa è continuata tra balli e pause sotto l'omblesso, con l'alternarsi sul palcoscenico complessi e cantanti italiani locali, tra i quali Luigi Sganga e la sua orchestra. Nonostante il maltempo non abbia permesso la completa riuscita dell'evento, il Maple italia Fest rimane uno degli eventi, di grande richiamo, le cui caratteristiche si avvicinano di più alle feste di piazza italiane.
Massimiliano Galassi
Italian Dancing in Maple with the Maple Italian Fest
There was a bit of discomfort for Mario Del Rio, organizer of Maple Italian Fest, when he heard the this weekend would not bring good weather, but luckily, the first drops of rain came late Saturday night, but less lucky was Sunday when the rain fell in intervals during the course of the day.
During both days, in spite of the rain, the festival continued with dances and pauses under the umbrella, with alternating groups and Italian singers on stage such as Luigi Sganga and his orchestra. Although the bad weather did not allow for a complete turnout of the event, the Maple Italian Fest remains one of the events who characteristics are similar to the one in Italian piazzas.